Friday, July 21, 2017

{Blog Tour} Souls Asunder - Miranda Brock (Spotlight)

Souls Asunder
Miranda Brock

Souls Asunder RuneFollowing her purpose and picking up the pieces of her fractured heart is all Autumn wishes for. Increasing confrontations with Dehmons and the unveiling of powers keeps Autumn and her protective Searchers plenty busy, giving the Keeper the distraction she craves. Life is moving on and Autumn is beginning to find peace and strength once more. That is, until something sinister and mysterious begins to slip into Autumn’s life, bringing with it doubts more dangerous than the Dehmons who threaten the Keeper’s existence. New challenges arise as the Dehmon Masters start to leave their sanctuary, and with the discovery of a spear capable of turning humans into dark-souled Dehmons, the race to save innocents is more desperate than ever. With the enemy pressing in on all sides, will Autumn be able to uncover the truth of the dark and treacherous visions haunting her mind, and untangle her heart in the process? Join Keeper Autumn and her band of Searchers as they journey toward a destination none of them are prepared for.
Souls Asunder teaser4

Thursday, July 20, 2017

{Blog Tour} Adeline - Christina McKnight (Spotlight)

Friendship, loyalty, and honor above all.
Follow the reveal and enter to #win

Title: Adeline
Series: Lady Archer’s Creed #3
Author: Christina McKnight
Genre: Historical Romance Romance
Release Date: August 29, 2017
A love of archery brings four young girls together to form The Lady Archer’s Creed. Through their mutual love of the sport, they solidify an unbreakable bond, and each woman has a unique quality that adds to their dynamic friendship:

Theodora, Lady Archer’s Creed Series (Book One)
Lady Theodora with her sharp mind and love of academics becomes the perfect archery coach. Despite being the last to join their group, and the obvious outcast, she will risk her future for her friends.

Georgina, Lady Archer’s Creed Series (Book Two)
Lady Georgina makes the perfect financier. The forgotten daughter of a wealthy duke, she seeks to belong to something—or someone—by any means necessary.

Adeline, Lady Archer’s Creed Series (Book Three)
Miss Adeline is a natural leader. Having grown up in a large and often spirited family, she now allows no one to place her in the shadows.

Josephine, Lady Archer’s Creed Series (Book Four)
Lady Josephine, having a sweet and impressionable nature, strives to please everyone—and keep their bond intact, even after they return to London for the Season.

Adeline, Georgie, Theo, and Josie live each day by the Lady Archer’s Creed, which they developed during their school days at Miss Emmeline’s School of Education and Decorum for Ladies of Outstanding Quality. “Friendship, loyalty, and honor above all” is their mantra. Now, as they face the challenges that come with adulthood, the creed is more important than ever.

Pre Order available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

About Christina McKnight:
Christina McKnight is a book lover turned writer. From a young age, her mother encouraged her to tell her own stories. She’s been writing ever since.
Christina enjoys a quiet life in Northern California with her family, her wine, and lots of coffee. Oh, and her books…don’t forget her books! Most days she can be found writing, reading, or traveling the great state of California.

You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon

{Blog Tour} Jordan Reclaimed - Scarlett Cole (Spotlight & Giveaway)


This dark contemporary romance follows PRELOAD, quickly ascending the charts as the most explosive rock band of their generation. But fame has done little to overcome the traumas of their past. Traumas that have the power to decimate the band, and themselves, unless love can heal them first.

We are excited to announce that JORDAN RECLAIMED is currently on sale for only $1.99! Don’t miss out on this dark contemporary read and snag up your copy today! Be sure to enter the giveaway to win a $25 Amazon gift card!


Jordan Steele’s life began when he was ten. When he was taken from his parents and a house that was never a home. When he met his brothers, the other lost and abandoned boys in his group home. When he learned what friendship and family and love looked like.
Now he’s made good, touring the world with the band he and his brothers formed in that crowded group home. No one but his found family really knows the man under the fame and fortune, the scars he hides behind the rockstar lifestyle. Until he sees her through the windows of the National Ballet, dancing, and suddenly the world doesn’t seem so dark.
Aleksandra Artemov ticks all the ballet boxes. Father a legendary Kirov dancer. Check. Prepping since birth for classical ballet. Check. Compulsive control over the food she eats. Check. Principal dancer at The National Ballet of Canada. Check. But what she craves is freedom.
She craves Jordan.
Everything about him should terrify her. His size, his tattoos, his edge. But he doesn’t. He stirs her very soul. Jordan has nothing but himself to offer her, and he's never been good enough for anyone. Can he figure out how to face his own demons before he loses his light for good?

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Chapters →

Jordan Reclaimed
Elliot Redeemed (August 29, 2017)
NIKAN (January 2018)
LENNON (Sprint 2018)

Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Copyright © 2017 Scarlett Cole

“I think it would be fair to say that I haven’t had a welcome home like that before either,” Jordan said. He pressed his lips to her forehead and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
A part of her knew she should be embarrassed by the way Jordan manhandled her on the street. Lord knew that if her father had seen it, he would be in a state of apoplexy. But she didn’t have it in her to care. It was the most perfect reunion. She’d worn her favorite cream wool dress, cinched with a brown leather belt, but underneath it she was wearing new underwear from Victoria’s Secret in the hope that he might take her back to his place later. It was forward, she knew, but the last nine days of talking to the deeply thoughtful, and unintentionally sullen, man who currently had his body pressed up against hers had her all wound up.
Jordan’s brow furrowed as he studied her, like he was checking her over for injury.
“Do you ever really smile?” she asked. “Because I think I saw the glimmer of a smile when we went on our first date.”
“I do occasionally,” he replied gruffly
“If I kiss you again, will you smile for me?”
Jordan leaned forward and placed his lips right next to her ear. “If you kiss me again, I might just end up taking you standing up against this pillar. So I strongly suggest you take that pretty little ass of yours inside before I change my mind and do it anyway.”
Lexi shivered as his breath whispered across her skin and his words made her ache in the places that longed for his touch.
He reached for her hand and carefully peeled off her glove. Silently, he folded it and tucked it into her pocket. Then he repeated the process with her other hand.
She swallowed as he took her hand, scrambling to regain her control. They needed small talk, something less . . . flammable. “Are you looking forward to going inside?” she asked. It had been years since she’d visited the AGO, and when he’d asked her where she’d like to go, it was the first place she’d thought of.
“Yeah, I am,” he said, leading her in through the double doors. He leaned his head toward her again. “I’m really hoping that looking at stuffy old paintings and relics will help kill the boner you just gave me.”


"I thought that nothing could compete with the love I had for “The Strongest Steel” written by this author but I was so wrong! “Jordan Reclaimed” is just as amazing and magical!" —Elena's Book Blog

"And as with any other Scarlett Cole story, she manages to incorporate humor and good lord the sex scenes are hot enough to melt your kindle. The woman knows how to pull everything together so perfectly. Heartache, Love, Sexy Times, and Laughter, what more do you need?" —Tanya (I <3 Books)

"Once again Scarlett Cole's beautiful and poignant writing has seduced my mind and filled my heart with a wide range of emotions. This book is best savored slowly. The intriguing and well-paced plot kept me on my toes and the interesting and multi-layered characters made me fall madly and deeply in love with them." —Selma (Goodreads)

About Scarlett Cole
The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.
I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I'm getting the chance to follow that dream.
Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

{Blog Tour} The Hunting Grounds - Katee Robert (Spotlight & Giveaway)

Have you Pre-ordered THE HUNTING GROUNDS by Katee Robert yet?

"Katee Robert has definitely picked up the romantic suspense genre and made it her bitch. I can’t wait to see what we get next. Given some of the books I see she’s been using for research, I know it’s going to be frightening and amazing at the same time."—Goodreads Review

Pre-order THE HUNTING GROUNDS and add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads! Then keep reading to get an EXCLUSIVE sneak peek at THE HUNTING GROUNDS and to enter the giveaway for a $25 Amazon gift card!

Title: The Hunting Grounds
Author: Katee Robert
Series: Hidden Sins #2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: July 25, 2017
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Print Length:  318 pages
Format: Digital and Paperback
ISBN: 978-1503946705


For two FBI agents with a past, love becomes a matter of life and death in the new Hidden Sins novel from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katee Robert.
Maggie Gaines used to be an FBI agent—top of her class and one of the bright, up-and-coming stars—until she spectacularly fell apart during her first high-profile case. That was eight years ago. Now she’s a ranger at Glacier National Park, and she’s found some measure of peace. But when the body of a murdered woman is discovered, she must finally put the past behind her and work with the one man she thought she’d never see again.
For months, Vic Sutherland has been hunting a killer who’s been targeting unsuspecting hikers in national parks—and now the predator has come to Glacier. Vic knows the case will bring him face-to-face with his former partner, yet nothing can prepare him for seeing Maggie again after all these years, or for the memories of passion it stirs in both of them.
As the investigation brings them closer together—and closer to the killer—Maggie and Vic fear they have only each other to trust. But even that might not be enough to make it out of Glacier alive.

Pre-order at: 

Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and eBook copies of THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER (Hidden Sins #1) from Katee Robert!

The Hunting Grounds Excerpt
Copyright © 2017 Katee Robert

Vic thought he was prepared. He wasn’t the type of man to spend too much effort worrying about what could possibly happen—it made more sense to deal with what did happen. He knew seeing Maggie again after all this time would be a shock, but they’d been partners for twelve months at best. There was no reason to think he couldn’t roll with this development the same way he rolled with every other.
Then he arrived at Goat Haunt ranger station. He followed Wyatt out of the chopper, using a hand to shield his face from the wind the blades created. The ranger station was set against Upper Waterton Lake, and with the mountains in the background, it could have been a scene out of a painting.
All of that paled in comparison to Maggie.
She looked good. Better than good. During her time as his partner, she’d been too thin, running on too little sleep and too much coffee, and her health had suffered as a result. Obviously being a park ranger agreed with her. The unfortunate uniform did nothing to hide how her curves had filled out, her body honed from the many hours of hauling around a pack similar to the one he now carried. Her hair was longer, too, the dark locks pulled back into a braid that hit just past her shoulders.
But she was still Maggie.
Even in the bright sunlight, he could see the way her dark eyes flashed as her shock wore off. And her nose, the only feature of hers that could never be termed pretty, was the same—long and slightly crooked from where it’d been broken in the FBI academy.
Maggie shook off her paralysis faster than he did. She frowned. “What are you doing here, Vic?”
“Agent Sutherland’s here for the murder.” Wyatt stepped forward, breaking what remained of the spell cast between them.
Rationally, Vic knew it had lasted seconds at most, but it felt like a small eternity. He struggled to put the past in the appropriate box to deal with when they weren’t on a case. When we aren’t on a case, I’ll leave . . . He shut the thought down. He had a duty to the victims, and letting himself get distracted by Maggie wasn’t going to find the unsub.
Even if Maggie was a bright, shining star in the midst of darkness.
He moved closer and slid off his pack. “Where’s the best place to talk?”
For a second, it looked like Maggie would pepper him with more questions, but she finally nodded. “This way.”

Praise for The Hidden Sins Series

“…a captivating read, made all the more rewarding when good triumphs.” —Washington Post

“Robert shows off her impressive versatility in this fast-paced and inventive new Hidden Sins series. The small-town setting is a masterful blend of quaint and oppressive, which ratchets the menace and thrill factor. The protagonists carry the full weight of their pasts with them, making their growing relationship as compelling as the mystery element in The Devil’s Daughter. With plenty of twists and betrayals, this is a book that is sure to earn Robert a wealth of new fans.” RT Book Reviews

Other Books in the Hidden Sin Series

Get More information at:  Goodreads  | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About Katee Robert
New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it 'a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension."  When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. 
Connect with Katee at: Website | Facebook | Twitter| GoodReads | Instagram

{Blog Tour} Her Spy To Have - Paula Altenburg (Spotlight)

HER SPY TO HAVE Blog Tour and Sale Alert!
The games are about to begin with HER SPY TO HAVE by Paula Altenburg. When Isabelle finds herself stranded in Bangkok, she has no choice but to accept Garrett, a stranger’s help in getting home. For these enemies to lovers, it soon becomes a game of keeping secrets. Fans of Jill Shalvis and Roxanne St. Claire will enjoy this sensual but humorous James Bond meets Justin Trudeau romance.

We are excited to announce that HER SPY TO HAVE is currently on sale for only $0.99! Don’t miss out on this brilliant read and grab your copy today! Be sure to enter the giveaway to win a $50.00 Amazon gift card!

Author: Paula Altenburg
Release Date: March 4, 2016
Publisher: Self-Published
Series: Spy Games #1
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Page Count: 260 pages
Format: Paperback and Digital
ISBN: 9780993716614

Au pair and ex-pat Isabelle Beausejour has been living abroad for most of her twenty-four years, traveling the world with her irresponsible father. When Isabelle finds herself stranded in Bangkok, with no job, no money, and nowhere to turn, she soon becomes desperate. 

Intelligence officer Garrett Downing is on the hunt for military goods that have gone missing. Instead, he finds himself coming to the aid of a young woman with more resourcefulness than common sense.

Isabelle has no choice but to accept a stranger’s help in getting home. Once there, however, as enemies turn into lovers, it soon becomes a game of keeping secrets. Garrett is more than he seems. Isabelle knows more than she’s willing to admit. Will she choose loyalty to her father over the love of a man who tells lies for a living?

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Copyright © 2016 Paula Altenburg

The rain continued to pour. The inside of the van became the entire world, and he filled every inch of it. She eased her fingers from beneath his touch.
He hadn’t taken his eyes off her.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he said.
“And you’ve let me.”
“No,” he corrected her. “I’ve been giving you space. But something happened today. I’d like to know what it was.”
Isabelle’s mouth went dry, her heart hammering so loud she was certain he must hear it over the steady drumming of the rain. She’d made her decision. Now she had to live with it. She hadn’t told her father that she believed CSIS was searching for him. She wasn’t telling Garrett anything more than she already had, either. She didn’t want to choose sides between them.
She turned her face away and looked at the streaming driver’s side window so she wouldn’t have to meet his eyes and read the disappointment in them. When she spoke, she was as honest with him as she could be. “I have nothing to tell you.”
He cupped her chin in firm fingers and forced her to look at him. His expression was grave, but he’d shut down his thoughts so she couldn’t read them. The creases around his mouth, so evident when he smiled, had smoothed. He dropped a light kiss on her lips.
“I guess this is it, then,” he said.
She swallowed hard against the painful lump in her throat. She’d known from the beginning there could never be anything of significance between them. She hadn’t expected to fall in love with him.
The rain slowed, then stopped altogether. The sun burst through a break in the clouds. Regret burned at the backs of her eyes. “I wish things could have been different.”
He let go of her and settled back in the passenger seat, six feet of rugged male indifference wrapped in a white Henley shirt and wheat-colored Dockers.
“Put your right foot on the brake, start the engine, and slide the gearshift into drive,” he said. “If you cut the wheels hard to the left, you should be able to pull back onto the road with no problem at all. Stay clear of the shoulder. It’ll be soft.”
Slowly, Isabelle maneuvered the van onto the dirt road. Muddy water from the puddles sprayed off the tires as she stepped on the accelerator. A minute later, they were on pavement again.
“For the record,” Garrett said, staring straight ahead, “I wish things could have been different, too.”

Praise for the Spy Games Series

“International intrigue, adversaries with more in common than they want to admit, and ohhhh the chemistry…I couldn’t put HER SPY TO HAVE down!”Samanthe Beck, USA Today Bestselling Author

“I dived into this book and didn’t come up for air until I read that last page on a heartfelt sigh and a smile. It’s awesome and I loved it. Highly recommend.”—Sandy LM, Goodreads

Her Spy To Have was sexy, emotional, thrilling and just a pleasure to read. I look forward to seeing what Paula Altenburg will write next and I am very excited to read book 2 in this series as soon as I possibly can.”—Jojodeen, Amazon

“Sex, spies and video-tape… if you like your characters hot and your stories smart, don’t miss this great read!” —Roxanne Snopek, USA Today Bestselling Author of The Chocolate Cure on HER SPY TO HOLD

“HIS SPY AT NIGHT by Paula Altenburg is an intriguing and engrossing entry into the author’s spy novel series. Readers will be enthralled by this latest selection.” —Judge, Writer’s Digest 4th Annual Self-Published e-Book Awards

“HER SPY AT DAWN is both the perfect wrap-up to Altenburg's Spy Games series, AND the kick-off to a new spinoff I can't wait to get my hands on. —Amazon Reviewer

Other Books in the Spy Games Series


About Paula Altenburg
Multi-published author Paula Altenburg grew up in rural Nova Scotia knowing that at some point in her life she was likely to be a fiction writer. Swapping Louis L’Amour and Zane Grey books with her father guaranteed she wasn’t going to be the next Jane Austen, much to the dismay of her English teacher mother. A degree in Social Anthropology from the University of King’s College and Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, confirmed that writing was the most logical career path for her. 

She’s worked in the Aerospace and Defense industry, which surprises everyone who knows her. She writes because she can’t keep a secret, and getting to pass everything off as fiction makes a good compromise. Happily married, with two terrific sons, she continues to live in rural Nova Scotia but makes a point of traveling as much as she can.

Connect with Paula: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads | BookBub | Pinterest

Monday, July 17, 2017

{Blog Tour} Biker B*tch - Andie J. Christopher (Spotlight)

Skylar Clarke has sworn off bikers. But Abner Travis, leader of the local motorcycle club, is the one thing she can’t resist.
Follow the tour and enter to #win a paperback copy of Biker B*tch

Title: Biker B*tch
Series: Heaven’s Sinners #1
Author: Andie J. Christopher
Genre: Contemporary MC Romance
Release Date: July 11, 207
Word Count: 75,000

Skyler Clark knows she'll have to face her past when returns to the Russian River Valley to make pinot noir. People in the small town where she grew up haven't forgotten her father – a country doctor turned outlaw motorcycle club president – and his fall from grace. But as long as she keeps her own business squeaky clean and stays away from bikers, she'll be fine.

Abner Travis sold his family's vineyard and winery to build up his business. And he's the president of a clean motorcycle club that does things the overburdened sheriff's department can't. He's too busy making sculptures for Hollywood directors and quietly sabotaging meth labs to chase a woman. But now that Skyler's all grown up, he wants her for his own. He just has to convince her that their dark, shared history shouldn't get in the way.

Travis is the one thing Skyler can't resist, but she doesn’t believe they can last. When her father's old club puts Skyler's business and safety at risk, she has to decide whether to place her trust in Travis or to walk away. And Travis has to decide how much he'll give up to keep the woman he loves.

Warning: Contains a dead sexy biker who will pull on your pigtails, but only if you beg.

Available on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks

Short Excerpt 1:

“Yo. You look beat to shit,” Chevy said.

“Gee, thanks.” Chevy wiped his hands on a rag sticking out of the pocket of his coveralls. Travis picked up a tool and stuck his head under the hood.

“Care to share? Ginger keeping you up?”

“Nah, man. I’m not seeing her anymore.”

“Good thing. She’s a skank.”

“She’s not a skank. She’s a nice girl. Just not for me.”

“Care if I take a shot at her?”

Travis gave Chevy a pointed look. “I thought you said she was a skank?”

Chevy smiled. “Yeah, but I like skanks.” Chevy turned back to the bike and worked his wrench. “I’ll be flush once tourist season starts. All I gotta do is post up at the wine bar and some tipsy divorcee will take one look at me and drag me back to her room at a B&B. Like shootin’ fish in a barrel.”

Author Bio:
USA Today Bestselling author Andie J. Christopher writes edgy, funny, sexy contemporary romance. She grew up in a family of voracious readers, and picked up her first Harlequin Romance novel at age twelve when she’d finished reading everything else in her grandmother’s house. It was love at first read. It wasn’t too long before she started writing her own stories — her first heroine drank Campari and wore a lot of Esprit.
Although, she set aside writing fiction for a while, her love of romance novels stayed with her through college, law school, and multiple cross-country moves. During one long East Coast winter, she decided writing a book would be a good excuse to avoid braving the elements. It was love at first write. Her heroes are dirty-talking alphas, and her heroines traded Esprit for Free People. (None of them would turn down a Campari, though.)

You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub | Instagram | Pinterest

Follow the tour and enter to #win a paperback copy of Biker B*tch

{Blog Tour} Make Me Crave - Katee Robert (Review)

Have you Pre-ordered MAKE ME CRAVE Yet? In MAKE ME CRAVE by NYT Bestselling Author, Katee Robert, Roman Bassani will do anything to ...