A book to me is an escape from reality. My days are pretty busy with working full time, errands, housework, the basics; so escaping reality for only a short time is relaxing. I am one of those people who always has a book in their bag because you never know when you are going to get stuck even for a few short minutes and have time to escape into a good book. On short trips I am always tempted to take a few books because I never know what I am going to be in the mood to read that day. I typically read around 3 books at one time flipping in between different books is something I have always done since I was little. I believe it keeps my mind sharp being able to keep up with several books. I constantly multitask in life.
I gravitate towards young adult fiction and adult fiction, but I am always looking to broaden my horizons. I love a good mystery novel that has a lot of suspense that is usually the book I can't put down! I always have to finish a book that I start even if it takes me forever. The hardest books for me to read are the last book of a series they take me forever since I don’t actually want them to end, I have fallen for the characters and just want them to keep going on forever.
If you’re interested in having me read and review your books, check out this page for my policy and details on how to submit a request.
I always finish a book no matter what so I might add spoilers into my reviews. For me it allows me to complete
the review since I have read the book from cover to cover and I am stating my
full opinion.
Hello Kristyn! I love your blog and just gave it a follow on Bloglovin'! I hope you'll check out mine!
Thank you1 I am just on my way to check out your blog now! Thank you for stopping by!