Saturday, December 31, 2016

December Wrap Up - January TBR

Goodbye December
Hello January


So Decemeber got away from me pretty quickly.  Work was just a total blur and when I had any time to relax I needed to Christmas shop.   I feel like the holidays completed wiped me out and I just can't wait for the New Year! 

I have a few major goals that I am going to be working on in the new year and one is to be more organized.  I am also working on updating my blog more! 

I want to wish everything a Happy and Healthy New Year!  

My top clicked on post for December was: {Blog Tour} Gypsies, Tramps and Weeia - Elle Boca (Review, Excerpt & Giveaway)

My favorite book I read in December was:  The Deal by Elle Kennedy

My January TBR List (which will most likely change 100 times):  
My first step is going to be organizing all of my review requests and then prioritizing them! 
One book I will definitely get to because I just got approved for the audio! 
Scarlet -Marissa Meyer

Challenge Participating in:
 How was your December?  What do you have planned for January?


  1. So great that you read The Deal! I read it in January of last year (exactly a year ago!) and really enjoyed it. I haven't read the rest of the serie though. I hope you have a wonderful month in reading!

    Happy New Year. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I ordered the next book in the series and can't wait to read it! Have a wondering month in reading too!!


{Blog Tour} Make Me Crave - Katee Robert (Review)

Have you Pre-ordered MAKE ME CRAVE Yet? In MAKE ME CRAVE by NYT Bestselling Author, Katee Robert, Roman Bassani will do anything to ...